When you are speeding on the highway and suddenly a large truck rears up its head, what do you do? You press on the brakes and expect the car to stop before collision. When you want a secure driving experience, there cannot be any alternative to a well maintained braking system. Brakes help you halt on time, every time. As a driver you will not want to keep worrying about the brakes all the while when driving. If you have to do so then there will be a high probability of causing crashes. Most of the car owners though throw all such worries out of their mind. They assume that every time the brakes are called into action they will work just fine. But this is not a wise thought. Like all other parts of your car, the brakes too need caring and maintenance. Well maintained brakes never fail their drivers. Though there are certain modern car versions which signal their brake problems right on the dashboard, but if you own an old model car then too you can maintain the brake well. Some of the signs that you should check out for before venturing on a ride include:
•The Brake Light: You would by now know that there is a brake light on the dashboard. When this light turns on there may be many types of problems. The light can be signaled due to low levels of brake fluids or there could be a serious problem with the entire brake system. But before pondering any further, make sure that the parking brake is released. If you find that brake warning light has turned off after the parking brake is released, then it means there is no fault with your braking system. If the light still keeps burning then you should immediately call a licensed mechanic.
•Enhanced Stopping Time: Are you having the problems with timing of stop? If you have to brake early then usual to stop the car, then there is a problem with the car braking system. The timing of stops is controlled by pressure that goes into open valves. When you press the brake the air flow from tanks is let into the brake chamber. With aging or may be due to wrong installation the valves may open at improper pressure which in turn upsets the release time. In addition to this, when you are releasing the brakes the air is automatically evacuated from the chamber and the brake linings immediately back away. If there is any physical obstruction in the form of blockages then air may not escape fast meaning your brake will remain in action for longer than needed.
•Worn Out Pads: Regular usage wears out the brake pads, but if the brake pads are completely worn out it could lead to costly damages to brake rotors. Whenever you take the car for maintenance, ask the mechanic for the brake pad life remaining. You will gain some idea how long the present brake pads will last. You may ask the mechanic for the miles your brake pad can sustain. Once you have this information create a schedule for brake change. If you keep driving on worn out pads then the stopping time will increase and there will be serious damage to the entire braking system.
•Sounds while Driving: To check the condition of your braking system you should keep your eyes and ears open. Some car models give out a loud squealing sound when the brake pad gets too thin. This sound is quite loud and can be heard even when you are driving with the windows turned up. When you hear a metal grazing metal sound you should understand that pads have worn out altogether and brake pad backing metal is pressing against the rotors.
Whenever you witness any of these discomforts contact your mechanic immediately and get the braking system mended.
Know Your Break before Starting Driving
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