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TOYOTA HILUX SURF: Which Version Do You Like for Used Car?

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First Generation N60 Series (1983-1989)

The first generation TOYOTA HILUX SURF was a RV whose design was based on the existing HILUX body. It was developed with the aim to respond to increasing leisure needs. Though the design was based on the HILUX, features such as a FRP top were utilized, making for a sportier appearance. Furthermore, equipment options such as moon roofs and rear heaters for the backseats were introduced, demonstrating efforts for increased riding comfort.

The engine lineup consisted of three types: the 1,998cc gasoline engine with 88 horsepower, the 2,446cc diesel engine with 76 horsepower, and the turbocharged 2,446cc engine with improved power output of 85 horsepower.

The above engines were combined with a 5-speed manual transmission. With the SR and SSR grades made available, a total of six grades were offered in the lineup.

In August 1985, with the aim to improve riding comfort, the suspension system was changed to a double wishbone type.

In May 1986, the 5 number body passenger vehicle type and 4-speed automatic transmission were added to the lineup.

Second Generation N130 Series (1989-1995)

The second generation model, introduced in May 1989, saw changes in the body structure that led to significant improvements in riding comfort. In contrast to the previous generation model, whose structure consisted of a FRP rear canopy installed on the HILUX Truck’s chassis, the second generation model utilized a completely steel wagon body, marking improvements in sound insulation and riding comfort. Furthermore, the 4-door model was also added, expanding the variations available. The car body was enlarged, measuring in length, width, and height at 4,470mm, 1,690mm, and 1,745mm respectively. For the interior, improvements were made on the air conditioning system, and the instrument panel was redesigned to be more in line with a passenger vehicle design.

For the engine, the 1,998cc gasoline engine with 97 horsepower, 2,446cc turbocharged diesel engine with 94 horsepower, and 2,779cc naturally aspirated diesel engine with 91 horsepower were included in the lineup.

In August 1990, the 2,958cc gasoline engine with 150 horsepower was newly added, marking further improvements in running performance.

The minor changes made in August 1991 led to alterations to the exterior that primarily revolved around the front grille. At the same time, improvements in the interior led to an enrichment of the equipment options. The wide body type was newly introduced, which measured in length, width, and height at 4,795mm, 1,790mm, and 1,780mm respectively.

In August 1983, the 2,982cc turbocharged diesel engine with 130 horsepower was newly added to the lineup.

Third Generation N180 Series (1995-2002)

Another full model change led to the introduction of the third generation model in December 1995. Departing from the HILUX body that had been used until this point, a newly designed specialized car body was utilized. This design included headlamps that appeared more integrated with the bumper, and a more city-like feel was achieved through changes in the grille area and the rear spoiler. For the interior as well, full-flat seats were used for the front seats, and the interior space was enlarged, further enhancing riding comfort. As for the safety features, SRS airbags were installed on driver and passenger seats. Furthermore, only the 4-door body type was made available, combined with the standard body and wide body. The car body size measured in length, width, and height at 4,540mm, 1,690mm, and 1,750mm respectively for the standard body, and 4,850mm, 1,800mm, and 1,805mm for the wide body.

The engine lineup consisted of the 3,378cc gasoline engine with 185 horsepower, 2,693cc gasoline engine with 150 horsepower, and 2,982cc turbocharged diesel engine with 130 horsepower.

The transmission that could be combined with this consisted of the 5-speed manual and 4-speed electric automatic transmissions.

In August 1998, minor changes were implemented to the interior and exterior. Multi-reflector headlights were used for the exterior, heightening an air of luxury, and to match these, the designs of the bumper and grille were changed. For the interior, wooden panels were utilized.
The 2,982cc turbocharged diesel engine was newly equipped with an intercooler, achieving an improved power output of 145 horsepower.
The “Sports Runner” was also added as a new grade. This grade was equipped with a FR drive system, and the vehicle height was also lowered by 65mm when compared to the 4WD model.

In 2000, this engine was further improved to a common rail diesel engine, enhancing power output to 170 horsepower.

In December 2001, new color options were added.

Fourth Generation N210 Series (2002-2009)

The fourth generation model, which went on sale in October 2002, shared its chassis with that of the Land Cruiser Prado. As such, the interior length increased by 45mm, and the width by 120mm, further improving riding comfort. For the equipment options as well, the double-deck luggage room was utilized, and rear sideview mirrors were installed.

In terms of the interior as well, the meter area was redesigned to a new design based on the shape of a hexagonal nut, increasing an overall impression of fierceness and power. New installments, such as that of foot-pedal parking brakes, led to improvements in quality as well.

The engine lineup consisted of three options: the V-type six-cylinder 3,378cc engine with 185 horsepower, the 2,693cc gasoline engine with 150 horsepower, and the 2,982cc diesel engine with 125 horsepower.

In August 2004, the immobilizer system was installed. At the same time, improvements were made on the 2,693cc gasoline engine, enhancing its power output to 163 horsepower.

In July 2005, the V-type six-cylinder gasoline engine was replaced by the 3,950cc with 249 horsepower. The car body size was also enlarged, now measuring in length, width, and height at 4,805mm, 1,910mm, and 1,805mm respectively. Furthermore, minor changes were made to the interior and exterior; the front grille area was revamped, and new installments, such as the LED rear combination lamps, led to a heightened air of quality.

HILUX SURF MODEL DisplacementDrive SystemFuelLineup Year
1984-1989YN60V1,998 4WDGasoline 1984-1989
LN60V2,446 4WD Diesel
LN61V 2,446 4WD Diesel
YN61G 1,998 4WD Gasoline
YN65 1,998 4WD Gasoline
YN60 1,998 4WD Gasoline
LN65 2,446 4WD Diesel
LN60 2,446 4WD Diesel
1989-1995 E-YN130G1,998 4WD Gasoline1989-1990
Q-LN130G 2,446 4WD Diesel1989-1991
S-LN131V 2,779 4WD Diesel1989-1991
Q-LN130W 2,446 4WD Diesel1991-1992
Y-KZN130G2,982 4WD Diesel1993
Y-KZN130W 2,982 4WD Diesel1993-1994
E-VZN130G2,958 4WD Gasoline1990-1995
rowspan#KD-KZN130G2,982 4WDDiesel1994
KD-KZN130W2,982 4WD Diesel 1994-1995
1995-2002KD-KZN185W 2,982 4WD Diesel 1995-1997
E-VZN185W3,378 4WD Gasoline1995-1997
KD-KZN185G 2,982 4WD Diesel1995-1997
E-RZN185W 2,693 4WD Gasoline1995-1997
GF-VZN180W3,378 FR Gasoline1998
KH-KZN185W 2,982 4WDDiesel 1998-1999
GF-RZN185W2,693 4WDGasoline 1998-2002
GF-RZN180W2,693 FR Gasoline1998-2002
KH-KDN185W2,982 4WDDiesel 2000-2002
GH-RZN180W 2,693 FRGasoline2001-2002
GF-VZN185W3,378 4WDGasoline1998-2002
GH-RZN185W 2,693 4WDGasoline2001-2002
2002-2009LA-RZN210W 2,693 FRGasoline2002-2004
LA-RZN215W 2,693 4WD Gasoline2002-2004
KN-KDN215W2,982 4WD Diesel2002-2004
TA-VZN215W3,378 4WD Gasoline2002-2004
TA-VZN210W 3,378 FRGasoline2002-2004
CBA-TRN210W2,693 FRGasoline2004-2005
CBA-GRN215W 3,955 4WDGasoline2005-2009
CBA-TRN215W 2,693 4WDGasoline2005-2009
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