Gulliver is a leading used car dealer in Japan.

With approximately 460 stores across Japan, Gulliver purchases cars from end users every year.

Furthermore, the cars purchased are sold primarily at auctions, and in addition, Gulliver also handles reselling to end users and selling to used car dealers.

Cars sold by the end user are first purchased by Gulliver, then sold again to another user or dealer.
Gulliver is the hub of used car distribution.


In a country like Japan, where there are numerous renowned makers like Toyota and Nissan, it is understandable that used car distribution is extremely organized and efficient.

There are many countries across the world where it is common for individual users to sell their unneeded cars on their own, but in Japan, individual sales of used car is very rare.
As such, used cars purchased from users are distributed domestically and internationally through companies like Gulliver.

Why Gulliver is a leading Used Car Dealer

When selling their cars to a used car dealer, end users try to assess first and foremost the trustworthiness of the dealer.

Gulliver is a reliable and safe dealer, as it is listed in the Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange (stock exchange with the strictest standards, where Japan's top corporations are listed).

In addition, because Gulliver stores are around all over Japan, cars can easily and conveniently be sold.

Due to prolific TV commercial campaigns, the phrase "If you want to sell your car, choose Gulliver" was popularized in Japan.

Two Great Merits

Gulliver lists cars on CardealPage.

In general, used car dealers purchase cars through auctions listed by companies like Gulliver that buy used cars, and then sell them at a higher price to make a profit.

When buying and selling through auctions, there are of course transaction fees, and there are additional costs when transporting cars from Gulliver to auctions and to used car dealers.

Gulliver car is exported for overseas by cutting out the middleman costs, so it is able to offer cars at reasonable prices.

Are you really certain that the car you import from Japan directly came from the end user?

When it comes to cars that were purchased via auctions by used car dealers and subsequently listed for sale, in many cases, there is no guarantee that the cars came directly from the end users.

Auctions are also places where domestic used car dealers get rid of bad inventory.

In fact, among these, there are often cars that were exhibited for over a year, then sent to auctions because they do not get sold.

For cars that are difficult to sell, often, they go through the cycle of End User → Auction → Used Car Dealer → Auction.

Vehicles that Gulliver purchases from end-users or retails in Japan are listed and sold on CardealPage.

If you would like to purchase the inventory directly from end-users or retail inventory in Japan, we highly recommend Gulliver cars.

Gulliver cars are sold by CardealPage.

Based on the vehicle's condition sheet which is assessed by Gulliver, a professional salesman will support any questions you may have about your first time importing a car, the car specs, and so on.

Additionally, please be assured that after payment is made, we will continue to support you until the car is delivered.

If you apply for Cardeal Inspection, a CardealPage inspector will confirm any differences between the listed information and the car's equipment and condition before it leaves port.

What is Cardeal Inspection?